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What size cremation urn should i buy?

Keepsake Urns: An Intimate Remembrance of Loved Ones

Death is an inevitable reality that we all face, and the choices we make to remember our loved ones can be deeply personal and varied. One such choice that has gained popularity in recent years is the keepsake urn—a smaller version of the traditional urn. Here, we delve deeper into the topic, exploring the differences between an urn and a keepsake urn, understanding the capacity of keepsake urns, and examining why and where people choose to keep them.

What is the difference between an urn and a keepsake urn?

The primary distinction between an urn and a keepsake urn lies in their sizes and intended purposes. An urn is a container, typically made of metal, wood, ceramic, or glass, designed to hold the cremated remains (ashes) of an individual. It is often used when families wish to keep the ashes in one location, such as in a columbarium or at home.

A keepsake urn, on the other hand, is a smaller version of the traditional urn. It is designed to hold a small portion of the ashes, allowing multiple family members to each have a personal memorial of their loved one. These mini urns are perfect for families who wish to divide the ashes among several members, ensuring that each person has a tangible piece of their loved one’s memory.

How much ashes does a keepsake urn hold?

While capacities can vary, most keepsake urns are designed to contain between a teaspoon to a few tablespoons of ashes, roughly 1 to 3 cubic inches. However, always refer to the specific manufacturer’s details to determine the exact capacity of the keepsake urn.

Why choose mini cremation urns?

There are several reasons why individuals opt for keepsake or mini cremation urns:

  1. Shared Memories: In families where multiple members wish to have a personal memento, keepsake urns allow the ashes to be shared among relatives.
  2. Portable Remembrance: Due to their compact size, keepsake urns can be easily transported, enabling family members to carry a part of their loved one wherever they go.
  3. Variety of Designs: Keepsake urns come in an array of designs and materials, allowing individuals to select one that truly resonates with their feelings and memories.
  4. Cost-Effective: Keepsake urns are generally more affordable than full-sized urns. The price range for keepsake urns typically falls between $20 to $150, although there are both lower-priced and higher-end options available based on material, craftsmanship, and design

Where Do You Keep a Keepsake Urn?

The beauty of a keepsake urn is in its flexibility. Here are some common places where people keep them:

  1. Jewelry: Some keepsake urns are designed as jewelry pieces like pendants, allowing the wearer to keep their loved ones close to their heart.
  2. Home Altars or Mantels: A quiet corner of a room or on a mantel can be a serene place to keep the urn, turning it into a focal point for remembrance.
  3. In a Memory Box: Along with other mementos like photos and letters, the keepsake urn can be stored in a memory box.
  4. Personal Sanctuaries: Some choose to keep it in their personal spaces, like their bedside table or study, making it a private and intimate memory.

In conclusion, keepsake urns serve as a reminder of the love and memories shared with those who have passed on. Whether you’re looking for a way to share memories with multiple family members, seeking a personal and portable memorial, or just want something small and intimate, a keepsake urn might be the perfect choice for you.

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