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How to write, what can i say and examples of sympathy cards – the full guide

Everything you need to know about sympathy cards

Tips for writing a sympathy card:

General tips

Offer Condolences: Begin with phrases like “I’m so sorry for your loss” or “My deepest condolences” to acknowledge their pain.

Express Personal Feelings: Briefly share your emotions, such as sadness or shock, to help them feel understood and less alone.

Include a Personal Anecdote: Share a short story about the deceased, focusing on their positive impact or character, to keep their memory alive.

Provide a Positive Outlook: Offer comforting, inspirational words, or quotes, being mindful of the recipient’s beliefs and the sensitivity of the situation.


Extend Practical Support: Offer specific help, like listening or assisting with daily tasks, and commit to following through with these offers.

Write Sincerely: Ensure your words are heartfelt and genuine, reflecting your true intentions and empathy.

Your Message: Shape your card to the relationship you have with the recipient and their loved one, allowing your words to resonate deeply.

Personalized Comfort for Every Relationship, Occasion or proffesion.


Front of the card:

Inside of the card:

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How to sign a sympathy card?

When signing a sympathy card, it’s important to choose words that convey your condolences in a respectful and heartfelt manner. The tone should be sincere and compassionate, reflecting your relationship with the recipient and the deceased. If you knew the person well, it’s appropriate to share a brief, personal sentiment. If not, a simple expression of sympathy is suitable. Always sign with your full name, as recipients may not immediately recognize your handwriting.

Examples of how to sign a sympathy card:

  1. “With heartfelt condolences and love, John Smith”
  2. “Thinking of you in these difficult times, John Smith”
  3. “With deepest sympathy as we remember [Deceased’s Name], John Smith”
  4. “Sending healing thoughts and comforting hugs, John Smith”
  5. “With warm memories and heavy heart, John Smith”
  6. “May peace and comfort find you during this difficult time, John Smith”
  7. “Keeping you close in heart and prayer for the loss of your beloved [Deceased’s Name], John Smith”

To whom do i send the comfort card?

When considering to whom you should send a sympathy card, it is essential to think about your relationship with the person who is grieving. Typically, sympathy cards are sent to close relatives, friends, colleagues, or acquaintances of the deceased. However, if you had a meaningful connection with the person who passed away, even if you’re not closely acquainted with their family, it’s still appropriate to send a card. The gesture shows that you care and acknowledge their loss, offering comfort in a difficult time. Remember, a sympathy card is more than a formality; it’s a way to express your heartfelt condolences and support.

High-risk occupations

High-risk occupations - Sympathy card Quotes

  • “The legacy of heroes is the memory of a great name and the inheritance of a great example.” – Benjamin Disraeli
  • “Bravery is not the absence of fear, but the action in the face of fear.” – Mark Messier
  • “A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” – Joseph Campbell
  • “Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it. It flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it.” – Unknown
  • “The brave die never, though they sleep in dust: Their courage nerves a thousand living men.” – Minot J. Savage
  • “Valor is stability, not of legs and arms, but of courage and the soul.” – Michel de Montaigne
  • “The patriot’s blood is the seed of freedom’s tree.” – Thomas Campbell
  • “A nation reveals itself not only by the men it produces but also by the men it honors, the men it remembers.” – John F. Kennedy
  • “Our nation owes a debt to its fallen heroes that we can never fully repay.” – Barack Obama
  • “This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.” – Elmer Davis

Firefighters sympathy card example

[Front of the Card: Image or Text that Reflects Respect and Honor]

An image of a firefighter’s helmet or a fire truck, symbolizing courage and dedication.

[Inside Left of the Card: A Quote or Saying, if desired]

“Bravery is not the absence of fear, but the action in the face of fear.” – Mark Messier

[Inside Left of the Card]

Dear [Family’s Last Name or Individual Names],

It is with a heavy heart that I learned about the passing of [Name of the Deceased]. [His/Her] valiant efforts and selfless service as a firefighter have left an indelible mark on our community and hearts.

In these times of grief, it’s hard to express the sorrow that we share with you. [Name of the Deceased] was not just a fearless firefighter; [he/she] was also a [devoted parent, loving partner, caring child, etc.]. The loss your family endures is profound, and our appreciation for [his/her] bravery and dedication to protecting others is immeasurable.

Please know that you are in my thoughts during this immensely challenging period. The legacy of [Name of the Deceased], marked by [his/her] heroism, compassion, and unwavering commitment to others, will continue to inspire and uplift us all.

If there’s anything I can do to assist you in this time of need, please feel free to reach out. Whether it’s helping with daily tasks, organizing tributes, or just being there to listen, I am here for you.

With heartfelt condolences and deepest sympathy,

[Your Name]

Police officers sympathy card example

[Front of the Card: Image or Text that Reflects Respect and Honor]

An image of a police badge or a squad car, symbolizing honor and duty.

[Inside Left of the Card: A Quote or Saying, if desired]

“A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” – Joseph Campbell

[Inside Left of the Card]

Dear [Family’s Last Name or Individual Names],

I was deeply saddened to hear about the loss of [Name of the Deceased]. [His/Her] unwavering commitment and bravery as a member of our police force will forever be remembered with the utmost respect and profound gratitude.

In these moments of profound sorrow, words seem inadequate to express the grief we feel. [Name of the Deceased] was not only a courageous officer but also a [dedicated father/mother, loving spouse, caring son/daughter, etc.]. Your family’s sacrifice is immeasurable, and our community’s debt to [his/her] service is everlasting.

Please know that you are in my thoughts during this incredibly difficult time. The spirit and dedication of [Name of the Deceased] to uphold justice and protect our community will always be a source of inspiration and honor.

Should you need any assistance or support, do not hesitate to ask. Whether it’s helping with arrangements, offering a shoulder to lean on, or just being present, I am here for you.

With heartfelt condolences and deepest sympathy,

[Your Name]

Military sympathy card example

[Envalope or card front: Image or Text that Reflects Respect and Honor]
[Inside left/middle of the Card: A Quote or Saying, if desired]

“Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it. It flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it.” 

[Inside Left of the Card]
Dear [Family’s Last Name or Individual Names],

I am deeply saddened to hear about the loss of [Name of the Deceased]. [His/Her] dedication and bravery as a member of our armed forces will always be remembered with the highest regard and deepest respect.

In these moments of loss, words often fail to capture the depth of sorrow we feel. [Name of the Deceased] was not only a dedicated soldier but also a [wonderful father/mother, loving spouse, caring son/daughter, etc.]. The sacrifice made by your family is immeasurable, and our gratitude for [his/her] service to our nation is boundless.

Please know that you are in my thoughts during this incredibly difficult time. While no one can replace [Name of the Deceased], [his/her] spirit, courage, and commitment to our country will forever be a beacon of inspiration and pride.

If there is anything I can do to support you during this time, please do not hesitate to reach out. Whether it’s running errands, helping with arrangements, or simply lending an ear, I am here for you.

With heartfelt condolences and deepest sympathy,

[Your Name]

Construction worker sympathy card example

[Envelope or card front: Image or Text that Reflects Strength and Solidarity]

[Inside left/middle of the Card: A Quote or Saying, if desired]

“The foundation of every state is the education of its youth.” – Diogenes

[Inside Left of the Card]

Dear [Family’s Last Name or Individual Names],

It is with a heavy heart that I learned about the passing of [Name of the Deceased]. [His/Her] work as a construction worker not only contributed to the building of structures but also to the foundation of our community. [His/Her] hard work, dedication, and the marks [he/she] left on our skyline will forever be remembered.

In times of loss, words seem insufficient to express the sorrow felt by those left behind. [Name of the Deceased] was not just a skilled worker; [he/she] was a [wonderful father/mother, loving spouse, caring son/daughter, etc.], whose presence brought joy and strength to all who knew [him/her]. The legacy [he/she] leaves behind is one of perseverance, strength, and the indelible impact of [his/her] contributions to our surroundings.

Please know my thoughts are with you during this sorrowful time. Should you need any support or assistance, remember that I am just a call away. Whether it is for a shoulder to lean on, help with day-to-day tasks, or just someone to listen, I am here for you.

With my deepest sympathy and heartfelt condolences,

[Your Name]

Miner sympathy card example

[Envelope or card front: Image or Text that Reflects Courage and Resilience]

[Inside left/middle of the Card: A Quote or Saying, if desired]

“The work of today is the history of tomorrow, and we are its makers.” – Juliette Gordon Low.

[Inside Left of the Card]

Dear [Family’s Last Name or Individual Names],

With a heart full of sorrow, I received the news of [Name of the Deceased]’s passing. As a miner, [he/she] delved deep into the earth, not just in search of valuable resources but also embodying the true essence of resilience and bravery. [His/Her] dedication to forging paths beneath the surface has left a lasting legacy that will be honored and remembered.

In these moments of profound loss, words can hardly convey the depth of our collective grief. [Name of the Deceased] was more than a miner; [he/she] was a [wonderful father/mother, loving spouse, caring son/daughter, etc.], whose love and strength were as solid as the earth [he/she] worked. [His/Her] contribution reaches far beyond the confines of the mines, enriching our lives and community.

Please accept my deepest condolences during this difficult time, and know that you are in my thoughts. If there’s any way I can offer support, be it through helping out with arrangements or simply being there to listen, do not hesitate to reach out.

With heartfelt sympathy and compassion,

[Your Name]

Fishermen sympathy card example

[Envelope or card front: Image or Text that Reflects Resilience and Perseverance, like a Fishing Boat or Waves]
[Inside left/middle of the Card: A Quote or Saying, if desired]

“The work of today is the history of tomorrow, and we are its makers.” – Juliette Gordon Low.
[Inside Left of the Card]
Dear [Family’s Last Name or Individual Names],
I was deeply saddened to hear about [Name of the Deceased]‘s passing. As a commercial fisherman, [he/she] braved the open waters, embodying resilience and dedication while providing for our community. [His/Her] steadfast spirit and willingness to weather the elements have left a legacy that will be forever remembered.
In times of loss, words cannot capture the depth of the sorrow we all feel. [Name of the Deceased] was not just a skilled fisherman but also a [wonderful father/mother, loving spouse, caring son/daughter, etc.], whose presence enriched the lives of all who knew [him/her]. The waves may rise and fall, but [his/her] spirit remains constant in our hearts.
Please accept my deepest condolences during this sorrowful time. Know that you are in my thoughts, and if you need assistance or someone to lean on, I’m here for you.
With heartfelt sympathy and compassion,
[Your Name]

Professional peers


Sympathy card Quotes

  • “Leadership is not about being in charge. It is about taking care of those in your charge.” – Simon Sinek
  • “Mentors are not there to make us ‘happy’. They are there to guide us to the best of their knowledge.” – Samira DeAndrade
  • “The best leaders are those most interested in surrounding themselves with assistants and associates smarter than they are.” – John C. Maxwell

Employer sympathy card example

[Front of the Card] “In Loving Memory of a Remarkable Leader”

[Inside Left of the Card] A quote to reflect their leadership and impact: 

“Leadership is not about being in charge. It is about taking care of those in your charge.” – Simon Sinek

[Inside Left of the Card] Dear [Recipient’s Name],

It is with profound sadness that I extend my deepest condolences to you and your family on the loss of [Manager’s Name]. This is not just a personal loss, but a significant loss for our team and the entire organization.

[Manager’s Name] was a cornerstone of our work family, recognized for [mention specific qualities, like their exceptional leadership, visionary thinking, compassion, etc.]. Their guidance was not just about work; it was about nurturing and inspiring each one of us.

I will always remember [Manager’s Name] for their [mention a specific achievement or quality that stood out], which has left an indelible mark on our team and organization. Their vision and leadership style will be deeply missed, but their legacy will live on in the paths they paved and the lives they influenced.

During this challenging time, please know that you are in our thoughts. The memory and profound impact of [Manager’s Name] will continue to resonate through the work we do and the values they instilled in us.

With heartfelt sympathy,

[Your Name]

[Back of the Card] “A tribute to [Manager’s Name], whose leadership and vision will forever inspire us.”


Sympathy card Quotes

  • “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” – Henry Ford
  • “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs

Employee sympathy card example

[Front of the Card] “In Fond Remembrance of a Valued Team Member”
[Inside Left of the Card] A quote to reflect their contribution: 
“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” – Henry Ford 
[Inside Left of the Card] Dear [Recipient’s Name], It is with a heavy heart that I extend my deepest condolences to you and your family on the loss of [Employee’s Name]. This is not only a personal loss but also a profound loss for our entire team and organization.

[Employee’s Name] was an integral part of our work family, known for [mention specific qualities, like their dedication, hard work, kindness, etc.]. Their presence brought not just professional skills but also warmth and camaraderie to our workplace.

I will always remember [Employee’s Name] for their [mention a specific achievement or quality that stood out], which left a lasting impact on all of us. Their contributions and spirit will be sorely missed, but never forgotten.

During this difficult time, please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. [Employee’s Name]’s memory and legacy will continue to live on through the work we do and the lives they touched.

With heartfelt sympathy, [Your Name]
[Back of the Card] “A tribute to [Employee’s Name], whose dedication and spirit will always be remembered.”


Sympathy card Quotes

  • “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” – Henry Ford
  • “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs

Co-worker sympathy card example

[Front of the Card] “In Remembrance of a Cherished Partner and Friend”
[Inside Left of the Card] A quote to reflect your partnership: 
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller
[Inside Left of the Card] Dear [Recipient’s Name],

It is with a heavy heart that I write to you following the loss of [Partner’s Name]. Their passing has left a profound void, not only in our professional world but in our hearts as well.

[Partner’s Name] was more than just a partner; they were a pillar of wisdom, support, and inspiration. Together, we navigated challenges and celebrated successes, and I will forever be grateful for the countless moments of collaboration and camaraderie we shared.

Their dedication, creativity, and vision were unparalleled, and the impact of their work will continue to resonate for years to come. [Partner’s Name] wasn’t just a colleague but a true friend whose memory I will always hold close.

During this difficult time, my thoughts are with you and your family. I hope you find comfort in knowing how much [Partner’s Name] was respected and admired by all who had the privilege of working alongside them.

With deepest sympathy, [Your Name]
[Back of the Card] “Remembering [Partner’s Name], whose spirit of collaboration and friendship will forever inspire us.”


Sympathy card Quotes

  • “Quality in a service or product is not what you put into it. It is what the client or customer gets out of it.” – Peter Drucker
  • “Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need.” – Khalil Gibran
  • “The value of a man resides in what he gives and not in what he is capable of receiving.” – Albert Einstein

Customer sympathy card example

[Front of the Card] “In Remembrance of a Valued Client and Friend”

[Inside Left of the Card] A quote to reflect respect and appreciation: 

“The value of a man resides in what he gives and not in what he is capable of receiving.” – Albert Einstein

[Inside Left of the Card] Dear [Recipient’s Name],

With the utmost respect and a heavy heart, I extend my sincere condolences to you and your family on the passing of [Customer’s Name]. This loss is deeply felt, not only on a personal level but also within our professional community.

As a valued client of ours, [Customer’s Name] demonstrated not just business acumen but also integrity and a remarkable character. Their contributions to our interactions were always insightful and held in high regard.

I will remember [Customer’s Name] for their [mention a specific quality or contribution that stood out], which greatly enriched our professional relationship. Their presence will be sorely missed, and the legacy of their contributions will continue to be felt.

During this period of mourning, please know that you are in our respectful thoughts. The memory of [Customer’s Name] will remain with us as a reminder of their significant impact.

With deepest sympathy and respect,

[Your Name]

Board Member sympathy card

[Front of the Card] “In Honor of a Visionary Leader and Esteemed Board Member”

[Inside Left of the Card] A quote to reflect the leadership and vision shared:

“Leadership is not about being in charge. It is about taking care of those in your charge.” – Simon Sinek

[Inside Left of the Card] Dear [Recipient’s Name],

With a heart filled with sadness, I extend my deepest condolences to you on the passing of [Board Member’s Name]. Their departure has created a profound emptiness, not just within the confines of our boardroom but in the hearts of everyone who knew them.

[Board Member’s Name] was far more than a board member; they were a beacon of leadership, integrity, and foresight. Their unparalleled ability to guide our organization, inspire our team, and envision a future filled with possibility has indelibly shaped our path. The legacy of their wisdom, dedication, and visionary outlook will continue to guide us, leaving a lasting imprint on our collective journey.

Their presence was a gift — one of mentorship, friendship, and unparalleled leadership that enriched our lives beyond measure. [Board Member’s Name] was not only a cherished colleague but also a dear friend whose memory will forever be treasured in our hearts.

During this time of mourning, please know that my thoughts are with you and your family. May you find solace in the memories of the remarkable impact [Board Member’s Name] had on us all and the enduring legacy they leave behind.

With heartfelt sympathy and remembrance,

[Your Name]

Sphere of caregiving

Sphere of caregiving - Sympathy card Quotes

  • “The character of the nurse is as important as the knowledge she possesses.” – Carolyn Jarvis
  • “Caring is the essence of nursing.” – Jean Watson
  • “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  • “Compassion and tolerance are not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength.” – Dalai Lama
  • “The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease.” – William Osler
  • “To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others.” – Albert Schweitzer
  • “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?'” – Martin Luther King Jr.
  • “You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan
  • “We cannot do great things on this Earth, only small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa
  • “The task of therapy is not to eliminate suffering but to give a voice to it, to find a form in which it can be expressed.” – Stephen Grosz

Nurses sympathy card


  • “The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease.” – William Osler
  • “To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others.” – Albert Schweitzer

Nurse sympathy card example

[Front of the Card] “In Loving Memory of a Healing Presence”

[Inside Left of the Card] A quote to honor their compassionate care: “Caregiving often calls us to lean into love we didn’t know possible.” – Tia Walker

[Inside Left of the Card] Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am deeply saddened by the news of [Nurse’s Name]’s passing. In my time of need, they were not just a nurse but a beacon of hope, offering care, comfort, and unwavering support.

[Nurse’s Name] possessed a remarkable gift for healing, not just through medical skills but also through their empathy and kindness. Their presence brought light into challenging times, and their care helped me find strength and resilience. I am forever grateful for the gentle compassion they showed me.

Their passing is a profound loss, and I want you to know that their impact on my life has been deeply meaningful. The comfort and understanding provided by [Nurse’s Name] will forever be a part of my journey towards healing.

Please accept my heartfelt condolences during this difficult time. The memory of [Nurse’s Name] and the extraordinary care they provided will continue to be a source of inspiration and gratitude for me.

With deepest sympathy,

[Your Name]

[Back of the Card] “Remembering [Nurse’s Name], whose caring touch and kind heart brought healing and comfort.”

Home health aid - for a person who helped me through tough times


  • “Caring is the essence of nursing.” – Jean Watson
  • “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  • “Compassion and tolerance are not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength.” – Dalai Lama

Home health aid sympathy card example

[Front of the Card] “In Loving Memory of a Compassionate Guide”
[Inside Left of the Card] A quote to honor their impact: 
“The task of therapy is not to eliminate suffering but to give a voice to it, to find a form in which it can be expressed.” – Stephen Grosz
[Inside Left of the Card] Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am deeply saddened by the news of [Therapist’s Name]’s passing. During some of the most challenging moments of my life, they were not just a therapist but a guiding light, providing support, understanding, and wisdom.

[Therapist’s Name] had a unique ability to listen and understand, to bring comfort and clarity when it was most needed. Their guidance helped me navigate through my struggles and find strength within myself. I am profoundly grateful for the compassion and kindness they showed me.

Their passing is a great loss, and I want you to know that their impact on my life has been immeasurable. The lessons learned and the peace found in their presence will remain with me always.

Please accept my heartfelt condolences during this difficult time. The memory of [Therapist’s Name] and the profound difference they made will continue to inspire and comfort me.

With deepest sympathy, [Your Name]
[Back of the Card] “Remembering [Therapist’s Name], whose wisdom and kindness touched lives and healed hearts.”

Psychologisy and Psychiatrists sympathy example quotes

  • “You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan
  • “We cannot do great things on this Earth, only small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa
  • “The task of therapy is not to eliminate suffering but to give a voice to it, to find a form in which it can be expressed.” – Stephen Grosz

Psychologist and Psychiatrist sympathy card example

[Front of the Card] “In Remembrance of a Compassionate Mind”

[Inside Left of the Card] A quote to honor their wisdom and guidance: 

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” – Carl Jung

[Inside Left of the Card] Dear [Recipient’s Name],

It is with a heavy heart that I write to express my deepest condolences on the passing of [Psychologist’s Name]. Throughout our sessions, they were not just a psychologist but a profound guide, offering insight, empathy, and invaluable wisdom.

[Psychologist’s Name] had a remarkable ability to understand and enlighten, to bring perspective and peace when it was most needed. Their guidance was a pivotal force in my journey of self-discovery and personal growth. I am deeply thankful for the understanding and support they extended to me.

Their loss is deeply felt, and I want you to know how significant their impact has been in my life. The lessons imparted and the self-awareness fostered in their presence will remain an integral part of my life.

Please accept my heartfelt sympathy during this difficult time. The memory of [Psychologist’s Name], and the profound difference they made, will continue to guide and inspire me.

With deepest respect and sympathy,

[Your Name]

[Back of the Card] “Remembering [Psychologist’s Name], whose insight and guidance illuminated paths and transformed lives.”

Medical assistants sympathy example quotes

[Front of the Card]

“In Memory of a Dedicated Medical Assistant”


[Inside Left of the Card: A Quote to Reflect Their Care and Compassion]

“They may forget your name, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou


[Inside Left of the Card]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],


It is with a heavy heart that I extend my deepest condolences to you and your family on the loss of [Medical Assistant’s Name]. This is not just a personal loss for me but a profound loss for all who knew [him/her/them].


[Medical Assistant’s Name] was more than a medical assistant; [he/she/they] was a caregiver and a compassionate friend to all [he/she/they] helped. [His/Her/Their] warmth and kindness brought comfort to those in need, while [his/her/their] dedication and attention to detail ensured excellent care.


I will always remember [Medical Assistant’s Name] for [specific quality or achievement that stood out, like empathy or dedication], which made [him/her/them] an indispensable member of the healthcare team. [His/Her/Their] generosity and unwavering spirit will be deeply missed but never forgotten.


Please accept my deepest sympathies during this difficult time. [Medical Assistant’s Name]’s memory will continue to live on through the lives [he/she/they] touched.


With heartfelt sympathy,

[Your Name]


[Back of the Card]

“A tribute to [Medical Assistant’s Name], whose care and compassion will always be remembered.”

Emergency Responders sympathy example quotes

[Front of the Card]

“In Loving Memory of a Heroic Emergency Responder”


[Inside Left of the Card: A Quote to Reflect Their Bravery]

“A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” – Joseph Campbell


[Inside Left of the Card]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],


I am deeply saddened to hear about the passing of [Responder’s Name]. This is not just a personal loss for me, but also a significant loss for our entire community.


[Responder’s Name] was not only an emergency responder but a true hero whose bravery and dedication saved lives. [His/Her/Their] willingness to risk [his/her/their] own safety for others speaks volumes about [his/her/their] character. [His/Her/Their] quick thinking and unwavering commitment to helping others in crisis are qualities that made [him/her/them] a beacon of hope for those in need.


I will always remember [Responder’s Name] for [specific achievement or quality that stood out, such as bravery, quick response, etc.], which made [him/her/them] a respected protector and friend. [His/Her/Their] impact on our lives will never be forgotten.


Please accept my deepest sympathies during this challenging time. [Responder’s Name]’s legacy will live on through the countless lives [he/she/they] touched.


With heartfelt sympathy,

[Your Name]


[Back of the Card]

“A tribute to [Responder’s Name], whose courage and dedication will always be remembered.”

Hospice Care Workers

  • “You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan
  • “We cannot do great things on this Earth, only small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa
  • “The task of therapy is not to eliminate suffering but to give a voice to it, to find a form in which it can be expressed.” – Stephen Grosz

Hospice Care sympathy card example

[Inside Left of the Card: A Quote to Reflect Their Dedication]
“To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

[Inside Left of the Card]
Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I was deeply saddened to hear about the passing of [Hospice Worker’s Name]. This is not only a personal loss for our family but also a significant loss for all who knew [him/her/them].

[Hospice Worker’s Name] was a guiding light during [Family Member’s Name]’s most difficult days. [His/Her/Their] compassion and dedication provided immense comfort to our family, ensuring [Family Member’s Name] received the care [he/she/they] deserved. [His/Her/Their] unwavering kindness made a lasting impact on us all.

I will always remember [Hospice Worker’s Name] for [specific quality or achievement that stood out, like patience or empathy], which made [him/her/them] an exceptional caregiver and a true friend. [His/Her/Their] support and generosity will be deeply missed but never forgotten.

Please accept my deepest sympathies during this challenging time. [Hospice Worker’s Name]’s memory will live on through the lives [he/she/they] touched.

With heartfelt sympathy,
[Your Name]

[Back of the Card]
“A tribute to [Hospice Worker’s Name], whose compassion and care will always be remembered.”

Physicians Sympathy cards

  • “You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan
  • “We cannot do great things on this Earth, only small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa
  • “The task of therapy is not to eliminate suffering but to give a voice to it, to find a form in which it can be expressed.” – Stephen Grosz

Physicians sympathy card example

[Front of the Card]
“In Fond Memory of a Compassionate Physician”

[Inside Left of the Card: A Quote to Reflect Their Dedication]
“To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

[Inside Left of the Card]
Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am deeply saddened to hear about the passing of [Physician’s Name]. This is not only a personal loss for me but also a tremendous loss for the many lives [he/she/they] touched with [his/her/their] care and compassion.

[Physician’s Name] was more than just a physician; [he/she/they] was a compassionate healer, a patient advocate, and a guiding light in our darkest moments. [His/Her/Their] dedication and warmth brought comfort to those in need and left an indelible mark on the lives [he/she/they] helped.

I will always remember [Physician’s Name] for [specific quality or achievement that stood out, like patience or attentiveness], which made [him/her/them] an irreplaceable caregiver and friend. [His/Her/Their] generosity of spirit and unwavering support will be sorely missed but never forgotten.

Please accept my deepest sympathies, and know that you are in my thoughts. [Physician’s Name]’s legacy will continue to live on through the countless lives [he/she/they] impacted.

With heartfelt sympathy,
[Your Name]

[Back of the Card]
“A tribute to [Physician’s Name], whose compassion and dedication will always be remembered.”

Clergy members

Sympathy card Quotes

  • “God is closest to those with broken hearts.” – Jewish Proverb
  • “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” – Matthew 5:4, The Bible
  • “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” – Psalm 34:18, The Bible
  • “Our dead are never dead to us, until we have forgotten them.” – George Eliot, English novelist
  • “Death is not extinguishing the light; it is only putting out the lamp because the dawn has come.” – Rabindranath Tagore, Bengali polymath
  • “What we have once enjoyed deeply we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” – Helen Keller, American author and educator
  • “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” – John 14:27, The Bible
  • “He who has gone, so we but cherish his memory, abides with us, more potent, nay, more present than the living man.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Clergy members - sympathy card example

[Front of the Card] “In Remembrance of a Guiding Light in Our Community”
[Inside Left of the Card] A quote to reflect their spiritual guidance:
“He who has gone, so we but cherish his memory, abides with us, more potent, nay, more present than the living man.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
[Inside Right of the Card] Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing with a heavy heart to express my deepest condolences on the passing of [Church Leader’s Name]. Their presence in our community and in my life was a source of strength, guidance, and spiritual comfort.

[Church Leader’s Name] had a special gift for understanding and empathy, which made all the difference during my most challenging times. Their wise counsel, grounded in faith and compassion, helped guide me towards a path of peace and resilience.

The loss of such a compassionate and wise soul is deeply felt, not only by me but by our entire community. [Church Leader’s Name]’s teachings and the example they set will continue to live on in all of us who were fortunate enough to know them.

As you mourn this profound loss, please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. May the love and grace that [Church Leader’s Name] so freely shared bring comfort to you and your family during this difficult time.

With heartfelt sympathy and prayers, [Your Name]
[Back of the Card] “In loving memory of [Church Leader’s Name], whose spiritual guidance and kindness will forever illuminate our hearts.”

Pet Owners Sympathy card Quotes

  • “Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.” – Roger Caras
  • “No one loves you unconditionally as your beloved pet.” – Cynthia S. Dobesh
  • “Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in.” – Mark Twain
  • “Pets are humanizing. They remind us we have an obligation and responsibility to preserve and nurture and care for all life.” – James Cromwell
  • “What we have once enjoyed we can never lose; All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” – Helen Keller
  • “Sometimes losing a pet is more painful than losing a human because in the case of the pet, you were not pretending to love it.” – Amy Sedaris
  • “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” – Anatole France
  • “Dogs come into our lives to teach us about love, they depart to teach us about loss. A new dog never replaces an old dog, it merely expands the heart.” – Erica Jong

Pet owners sympathy card example

Front of the Card:

With Heartfelt Sympathy

Inside the Card:

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I was deeply saddened to hear about the loss of your beloved [Pet’s Name]. [He/She] was more than just a pet; [he/she] was a cherished member of your family and a true friend.

Please know that you’re not alone in remembering a remarkable life, a life filled with love and playful moments. [Pet’s Name]’s paw prints are not just in your home but also etched in your heart.

During this tough time, I am here for you. If you need someone to share memories with, or even just a listening ear, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

May the loving memories of [Pet’s Name] bring you peace and comfort. Remember, [he/she] left this world knowing just how much [he/she] was loved.

With deepest sympathy,

[Your Name]

Back of the Card:

“Dogs come into our lives to teach us about love, they depart to teach us about loss. A new dog never replaces an old dog, it merely expands the heart.” – Erica Jong

Previous S.O Sympathy Quotes

  • “What we once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” – Helen Keller
  • “Those we love and lose are always connected by heartstrings into infinity.” – Terri Guillemets
  • “Grief and love are conjoined, you don’t get one without the other.” – Jandy Nelson
  • “To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.” – Thomas Campbell
  • “The comfort of having a friend may be taken away, but not that of having had one.” – Seneca
  • “Death ends a life, not a relationship.” – Mitch Albom
  • “Those we love never truly leave us. There are things that death cannot touch.” – Jack Thorne

Sympathy card example for my ex

Front of the Card:

With Deepest Sympathy

Inside the Card:

Dear [Family’s Last Name or Individual Names],

I was profoundly saddened to hear of [Ex-Partner’s Name]’s passing. Although our paths had diverged, the news of [his/her] loss has deeply affected me, and I felt compelled to reach out to you during this difficult time.

[Ex-Partner’s Name] and I shared a significant part of our lives together, and those memories are a testament to the complex tapestry of life. I am grateful for the time we had and the experiences we shared, which have left an indelible mark on who I am today.

I understand that this must be an incredibly hard time for you all. As you navigate through this period of mourning and remembrance, I wanted to extend my heartfelt condolences and let you know that my thoughts are with you.

In [Ex-Partner’s Name], the world has lost a unique and vibrant soul. Though our relationship evolved, my respect for [him/her] and the family we once shared has always remained.

If there is anything I can do during this time, whether it be sharing memories, offering support, or simply being present, please do not hesitate to reach out.

With heartfelt sympathy,

[Your Name

Back of the Card:

“What we once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” – Helen Keller

Abortion Sympathy quotes

  • “The reality is that you will grieve forever. You will not ‘get over’ the loss of a loved one; you will learn to live with it. You will heal and you will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered.” – Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
  • “Grief, no matter where it comes from, can only be resolved by connecting to other people.” – Thomas Horn
  • “Sometimes the strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws.” – Barbara Kingsolver
  • “There is no right way to grieve; there is only your way to grieve and that is different for everyone.” – Nathalie Himmelrich
  • “Grief is like the ocean; it comes in waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim.” – Vicki Harrison
  • “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” – A.A. Milne
  • “The darkest nights produce the brightest stars.” – John Green

Pregnancy termination sympathy card example

Front of the Card:

Thinking of You With Compassion and Understanding

Inside the Card:

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I cannot begin to imagine the depth of your feelings at this time, but I want you to know that you are in my thoughts. The decision you faced was incredibly difficult, and I admire your courage and strength.

Please remember that it’s okay to grieve in your own way and in your own time. This experience is a profound one, and the emotions that come with it are just as complex and valid. Allow yourself the grace to feel, to heal, and to seek peace.

Know that you are not alone in this journey. I am here for you, to listen, to support, or to simply sit with you in silence. Your well-being matters deeply to me, and I’m here to help in any way I can.

May you find moments of tranquility amidst the storm and may the love of those around you provide comfort and strength. You are cared for, and you are valued.

With heartfelt sympathy and support,

[Your Name]

Back of the Card:

“The reality is that you will grieve forever. You will not ‘get over’ the loss of a loved one; you will learn to live with it. You will heal and you will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered.” – Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

Community Sympathy member quotes

  • “A great soul serves everyone all the time. A great soul never dies. It brings us together again and again.” – Maya Angelou
  • “What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.” – Albert Pike
  • “They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” – Carl W. Buehner
  • “To live in the hearts of those we leave behind is not to die.” – Thomas Campbell
  • “The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero

Community member sympathy card example

Front of the Card:

In Remembrance and Honor

Inside the Card:

Dear [Family’s Last Name or Individual Names],

It is with a heavy heart that I extend my deepest condolences to you on the passing of [Deceased’s Name]. [He/She] was not just a member of our community but a pillar, a friend, and a guiding light to many of us.

[Deceased’s Name]’s contributions to our community were immeasurable, and [his/her] absence leaves a void that will be deeply felt by all. [His/Her] kindness, wisdom, and unwavering commitment to our community will be remembered and cherished.

During this time of grief, please know that you are not alone. The entire community mourns with you and celebrates the remarkable life that [Deceased’s Name] led. We are all better for having known [him/her].

As we bid farewell to [Deceased’s Name], let us hold onto the memories and the legacy [he/she] leaves behind. May those memories bring you comfort and peace during this difficult time.

If there is anything that I, or the community, can do to support you in the days and weeks ahead, please do not hesitate to reach out.

With heartfelt sympathy,

[Your Name]

Back of the Card:

“What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.” – Albert Pike

Mentor Sympathy quotes

  • “The influence of a good teacher can never be erased.” – Unknown
  • “A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” – Henry Adams
  • “What we have once enjoyed deeply we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” – Helen Keller
  • “They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” – Carl W. Buehner
  • “The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.” – Mark Van Doren
  • “Teachers live on in the hearts and minds they inspire.” – Unknown
  • “Good teachers know how to bring out the best in students.” – Charles Kuralt
  • “Teachers plant seeds that grow forever.” – Unknown

Educational guide sympathy card example

[Front of the Card] “In Loving Memory of a Remarkable Teacher and Mentor”

[Inside Left of the Card] A quote to reflect their impact: 

“A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” – Henry Adams

[Inside Right of the Card] Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am deeply saddened to hear about the passing of [Teacher/Mentor’s Name]. It’s hard to put into words how much they meant to me and the profound impact they had on my life.

[Teacher/Mentor’s Name] was not just a teacher, but a guiding light, inspiring me and many others with their passion for [Subject or Field]. Their lessons went far beyond the classroom; they taught us about life, resilience, and the pursuit of knowledge.

I will always cherish the memories of the times spent under their mentorship, the wisdom they imparted, and the encouragement they so generously gave. They had a unique way of making each of us feel valued and capable of achieving our dreams.

Please know that my thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time. The legacy of [Teacher/Mentor’s Name] will live on in the hearts and minds of all the students whose lives they touched.

With heartfelt condolences, [Your Name]

[Back of the Card] “A tribute to [Teacher/Mentor’s Name], whose lessons will continue to inspire generations.”

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